Friday, August 5, 2011

Thinking a lot.

Something I've recently had on my mind lately I just want to explore a little. I'm single, I have been all my life. Now, there are reasons for that, 1) I'm not particularly smooth with my words, 2) I have been socially awkward most of my life, this is actually improved a lot lately. 3) I am fat, and I don't like being fat. Let's explore that for a bit. Now, I know society in general has attached a stigma to obesity and overweight people in general. For good reason, I feel. There are a lot of health issues that stem from obesity, lack of activity, and poor eating habits. All are related. Now, I realize you can be unhealthy and skinny and you can be generally healthy and fat. Right now, I actually meet the latter, I am generally healthy and fat at the moment. This leads me to the second point, generally, beauty is seen in women being hourglass figured and men having abs and muscles or at least being lean (lean applies to men and women). Now, is this all wrong? I feel it isn't. You shouldn't WANT to be obese, I'm sorry. As someone looking to not be obese (nor fat), I feel that I can speak to this to some degree. I am a reasonable adult, and I associate obesity with a poor diet and a sedentary lifestyle. Am I wrong? Generally no, I'm not going to say never, for the points raised above about healthy overweight people.

Now, don't mistake what I'm saying, I'm not looking to ban McDonalds, I'm not looking to go on a crusade against overweight people or to mandate an hour a day of cardio. I believe in freedom and if it's your desire to be 500 pounds, go for it. Don't expect me to feel bad though when you have to pay out the nose at the doctor because you are there a couple times a week. I'm working my way down from 280 pounds, I know how hard it is, but it isn't impossible. My motivation isn't to get girls either, I have a dream (to play professional baseball) and I have a desire to feel good and to like what I see in the mirror every day. I also want to be self sufficient and I know, again, from living with 280 pounds of gut and fat and feeling like a sloth, that if I want to be self sufficient, I'm going to need to be healthy, lest I never have the desire or the energy to drag my ass out of bed in the morning. It takes work to be an independant adult, I can personally attest to that both from personal experience and watching the actions of those around me. If you don't feel good, you won't get anything done.


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